Retinal Mapping Parameters

Complete Network (CN) Mapping Parameters for Rabbit Retina

Basic histologic parameters
Ideal section size = 0.2 mm x · 0.2 mm y · 90 nm
Stack thickness = 0.025 mm = 278 sections (ipl) ~400 GCL > OPL

A Canonical field is a region containing no less than
three copies of the rarest cell class. This is our ideal volume.

A Canonical tile is a region containing the rarest cell
class and its Voronoi domain.

Basic CN sampling Frameworks

Framework Mag Area Capture time (d) current stos stos 4x speed
—– —– —– —– —– —–
Ideal volume 5000x 200 μm x 200 μm 35 17y 4.3y
Fast volume 3000x 200 μm x 200 μm 13 6y 1.5y
Fast small volume 3000x 100 μm x 100 μm 3 1.6 0.4y


Synaptic sampling parameters

Sampling Area (mm2) 0.04 mm2 0.01 mm2
BC density 40000/mm2 40000/mm2
BCs sampled 1600 400
Ribbons/BC 15 15
Ribbon synapses 24000 600
Conventional syn/ribbon 2 2
Total synapses 72000 36000
Synapses scored/hr 10 10
Total workdays 900 225
Total work years 3 0.75


Population sampling parameters

Sampling Area (mm2) 0.04 mm2 0.01 mm2
BCs sampled 1600 400
ACs sampled 800 200
GCs sampled 200 50
dACs sampled 100 25


GC sampling parameters

Class Percent Copies 0.04 Copies 0.01
1a 2.8 6 1-2
1b 6 12 3
1c 5.7 11 2-3
2 4.2 8 2
3 12.2 24 6
4 7.7 15 3-4
5 7 14
6 15 30 7
7 5.6 11 3-4
8 12.2 24 6
9 1.4 3 1
10 8.4 17 4
11 6.6 13 3
12 5.2 10 2-3
total GCs 200 50
sACs 32.7 98 27
other dACs 3.9 12 3
Total dACs 3.9 110 30
Total Neurons 310 80