
Retinal Connectome Full Resolution Tracking Test Series

Retinal Connectome dataset RC1

Tracking dataset 514_ipl

Location center X 48888 Y 48888

Resolution: 2.18 pixels/nm Field size 8192 x 8192 – 64 Mb ea

Raw dataset size 4.375 GB

LZW compressed dataset size 3.37 GB

The autotracking challenges of increasing difficulty:

Test_01: Pale blue, runs through most of the sections like an accountant’s spike. Profile remains a nice convex hull most of the way, then surprises.
Test_02: Medium blue, runs through most of the sections like an accountant’s spike. Profile remains a nice convex hull most of the way, then surprises.
Test 03: Lavender, oblique process waves in and out of each plane and changes diameter radically
Test 04: Red, vertical process waves in and out of each plane and changes diameter radically
Test 05: Green, processes travel in and orthognal to the plane, with multiple branches
Test 06: Yellow, space filling processes tiling the plane.

Classification challenges :

Boxes: typical amacrine cell synapses
Circles: synaptic ribbon sites
Hexagons: gap junctions Entire tracking LZW tiff series zipped (5.07 GB)

Single file tracking LZW tiff series

Guide images:

514_ipl_01_126_labeled.jpg notes: 594K, contains labeled objects

514_ipl_01_126_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_11_136_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_21_146_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_31_156_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 04, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_42_167_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 04, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_52_177_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_61_186_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 05, 06, synapses and gap junctions

514_ipl_73_198_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 05, 06 and synapses

514_ipl_209_guide.jpg notes: Full res, contains objects Test_01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, synapses and gap junctions

Notes below for Raw data from Entire tracking LZW tiff series zipped (5.07 GB)

514_ipl_00_125.tif notes: dust precipitate

514_ipl_01_126.tif notes:

514_ipl_01_126_guide.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_02_127.tif notes:

514_ipl_03_128.tif notes:

514_ipl_04_129.tif notes:

514_ipl_05_130.tif notes:

514_ipl_06_131.tif notes:

514_ipl_07_132.tif notes:

514_ipl_08_133.tif notes:

514_ipl_09_134.tif notes:

514_ipl_10_135.tif notes: fold at bottom

514_ipl_11_136.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_12_137.tif notes:

514_ipl_13_138.tif notes:

514_ipl_14_139.tif notes:

514_ipl_15_140.tif notes:

514_ipl_16_141.tif notes: dirt

514_ipl_17_142.tif notes:

514_ipl_18_143.tif notes:

514_ipl_19_144.tif notes:

514_ipl_20_145.tif notes:

514_ipl_21_146.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_22_147.tif notes:

514_ipl_23_148.tif notes:

514_ipl_24_149.tif notes:

514_ipl_25_150.tif notes:

514_ipl_26_151.tif notes:

514_ipl_27_152.tif notes:

514_ipl_28_153.tif notes:

514_ipl_29_154.tif notes:

514_ipl_30_155.tif notes:

514_ipl_31_156.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_32_157.tif notes:

514_ipl_33_158.tif notes:

514_ipl_34_159.tif notes:

514_ipl_35_160.tif notes:

514_ipl_36_161.tif notes: crack

514_ipl_37_162.tif notes: section skipped – does not exist

514_ipl_38_163.tif notes:

514_ipl_39_164.tif notes:

514_ipl_40_165.tif notes:

514_ipl_41_166.tif notes: bubble

514_ipl_42_167.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_43_168.tif notes:

514_ipl_44_169.tif notes: dirt

514_ipl_45_170.tif notes:

514_ipl_46_171.tif notes:

514_ipl_47_172.tif notes:

514_ipl_48_173.tif notes:

514_ipl_49_174.tif notes:

514_ipl_50_175.tif notes:

514_ipl_51_176.tif notes: dirt

514_ipl_52_177.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_53_178.tif notes:

514_ipl_54_179.tif notes: tear

514_ipl_55_180.tif notes:

514_ipl_56_181.tif notes:

514_ipl_57_182.tif notes:

514_ipl_58_183.tif notes: section skipped – does not exist

514_ipl_59_184.tif notes:

514_ipl_60_185.tif notes:

514_ipl_61_186.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_62_187.tif notes: section skipped – does not exist

514_ipl_63_188.tif notes:

514_ipl_64_189.tif notes:

514_ipl_65_190.tif notes:

514_ipl_66_191.tif notes:

514_ipl_67_192.tif notes:

514_ipl_68_193.tif notes:

514_ipl_69_194.tif notes:

514_ipl_70_195.tif notes:

514_ipl_71_196.tif notes:

514_ipl_72_197.tif notes:

514_ipl_73_198.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_199.tif notes:

514_ipl_200.tif notes: small fold

514_ipl_201.tif notes:

514_ipl_202.tif notes:

514_ipl_203.tif notes:

514_ipl_204.tif notes:

514_ipl_205.tif  notes: section skipped – does not exist

514_ipl_206.tif notes:

514_ipl_207.tif notes:

514_ipl_208.tif notes:

514_ipl_209.tif notes: labeled guide section

514_ipl_210.tif notes: dirt

514_ipl_211.tif notes:

514_ipl_212.tif notes:

514_ipl_213.tif notes:

514_ipl_214.tif notes: precipitate

514_ipl_215.tif notes:

514_ipl_216.tif notes: small bubble

514_ipl_217.tif notes:

514_ipl_218.tif notes:

514_ipl_219.tif notes: