Category Archives: Seminars

Synapses, Gap Junctions, Adherens, and Tight Junctions, Oh My!

PI, Bryan William Jones gave a talk yesterday to the NSF NeuroNex working group on Synapses, Gap junctions, Adherens, and Tight Junctions and their role in connectomics.

Will post the video of that talk here, if and when it becomes available.


Thanks to friend and colleague Uri @manorlaboratory for screenshotting in the middle of the talk.

ARVO 2021

PI, Bryan William Jones gave a talk at ARVO yesterday, in a special session on retinal degeneration and plasticity, unfortunately virtually, but it is the right thing to do in a pandemic.  That makes effectively two years in a row where we have not traveled to see colleagues at our vision meetings.  That said, the meetings are still productive.